Terra Australis: Latin for "South Land". Hypothetical continent first posited in antiquity and which appeared on maps between the 15th and 18th centuries. The existence of Terra Australis was not based on any survey or direct observation, but rather on the idea that continental land in the Northern Hemisphere should be balanced by land in the Southern Hemisphere. Situated at the crossroads of Arts, Social Sciences and Geography, XP3 / TERRA AUSTRALIS > is an artistic and metaphorical exploration of alternative realities where the process of mind representation is revisited, revealing the ways towards mythologization suggested by Terra Australis Incognita. The study is a journey into the heart of an emergent “geo-esthetical” space of coupling of the real and the imaginary, contributing to the making of a true theory of the Antarctic landscape. Space and territory appear in all their subjectivity; fruit of a mental reconstruction which reveals the relativity of viewpoints and the socially constructed character of our truths. This new approach challenges our conventional paradigms about the existence of an "objective" reality, through the recognition of the phenomenological nature of landscapes.
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